ROMs y desarrollo Nexus 4 ROMs y desarrollo Nexus 4

Viejo 14/12/14, 13:42:29

marpe marpe no está en línea
Pinche de cocina
· Votos compra/venta: (59)
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 13,936
Modelo de smartphone: Cada semana uno diferente
Tu operador: DigiMobil
Liquid Dark Trex [6.0.1][17/09/2016]

Basada en la LiquidSmooth v4.0

- - Android 6.0.1
- - CM Kernel
- - Build with UBERTC toolchains
- - Download Center
- - CM Themes
- - Battery and Notification Lights
- - Status bar clock customization + initial interface + color
- - Status bar brightness control
- - Status bar customization Quick Settings
- - Status bar tap to sleep
- - Navbar customization
- - LCD Density
- - Quick pulldown listpreference
- - Weather display to status bar
- - Listanimation Views and Interpolator
- - AOKP Custom System animations
- - App Circle Sidebar
- - Custom Carrier label
- - Advanced Reboot
- - Battery text mode
- - Live Volume Steps
- - Volume rocker wake
- - Volume rocker music controls
- - Volume key cursor control
- - Network speed indicator
- - Clear recents button
- - Back button app kill
- - Toast Animations
- - LiquidDark Wallpaper app
- - CM LockClock
- - BRAVIA Engine
- - Get more RAM and faster responses by disabling verify-bytecode!


(Click para mostrar/ocultar)

--- Update --- LTR-LP-2015-01-21-mako

* android
bd58f5a Track BeanStalk Mms apk

* build
b6bf766 fix filter TARGET_GCC_VERSION

* frameworks/base
3a35023 Make sure pie stays on after reboot
0198d72 Base: SlimPie, Navbar customization (1/2)
0f48849 Revert "Runtime toggle of navbar"
d3031bd Revert "SystemUI: make long pressing recent switch to last app"
cc789de Fix bad .9's
f3d11d6 SystemUI: Fix system ui crash while continuously click flash light tile issue
cf4c9f9 Camera2 legacy: retry EGL config without EGL_RECORDABLE_ANDROID

* frameworks/native
5691207 Themes: Restructure resource cache [2/2]
08fce5f Conditionally revert "Revert "sf: Make sure HWC_BLENDING_NONE is set for opaque layer""

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960
f6fd3f0 gralloc: Backward compat for devices using older camera heap

* packages/apps/Mms
8c34eca Merge pull request #3 from CPA-Poke/patch-1
79d3b5a Shorten "Quick Reply" string

* packages/apps/Settings
790d8fe Base: SlimPie, Navbar customization (2/2)

* vendor/lge
66bfcd5 Merge pull request #77 from invisiblek/g3updates

* vendor/liquid
53916c1 update SuperSU

update --- LTR-LP-2015-01-02-mako --- update

- providers/Settings: getBoolean and putBoolean methods
- AOKP custom system animations (1/2)
- AOKP animations: Add an entry for TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN_BEHIND [1/2]
- Return: Listanimation Views and Interpolator [1/2]
- Fix Quick Settings for MSim [1/2]
- [1/2] Forward port power connect/disconnect notification support
- Forward port 'Swap volume buttons' (1/3)
- policy: don't use EdgeGestureService for navigation bar if were on the keyguard
- Make preselected item clickable in intent chooser
- QuickSettings: Add long click support
- SystemUI: redraw navbar icons, add custom navbar icons back
- Frameworks: port SlimSeekBarPreference to SlimLP

- [2/2] Left handed navbar during landscape mode
- new Launch LockClock from settings
- AOKP custom system animations (2/2)
- AOKP animations: Add and entry for TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN_BEHIND [2/2]
- Return: Listanimation views and interpolator [2/2]
- Remove denisty changer icon
- wifi: forward port avoid poor connection setting
- fixup "wifi: forward port avoid poor connection setting"
- Settings: fix NPE in ButtonSettings
- Lowercase to uppercase
- [2/2] Forward port power connect/disconnect notification support
- Forward port button/keyboard backlight options
- Forward port 'Swap volume buttons' (3/3)
- Battery style: fix dynamic percentage setting
- Settings: don't remove navigation bar prefs when toggling
- Setting: Always remove Left-handed mode setting for non-phones
- Settings: Add preference for EdgeGesture service.
- Forward port Search button configuration
- BatterySaver: Remove duplicate option

- Remove viglink from ad blocker
- Add sepolicy's for perfomance controls

- external_libpng to Liquid

- Kill some log spam

update --- LTR-LP-2014-12-30-mako --- update
- tethering: updated ipv6 tethering
- Remove make file changes to create framework2
- Telephony: Add new api isMmsDataConnectivityPossible.
- Revert "base: Enhance Web URL pattern"
- SystemUI: Fix data tile cannot control card2 data service issue
- IMS: start and stop dtmf tones
- Add change to show Invalid card when erroneous card is inserted.
- NFC: Add interface for offhost to associate to secure element
- Modify isRoaming to getRoaming from Service state tracker.
- IMS-VT: Peer capabilities support
- IMS-VT: Add call modifiable capability
- IMS: Clean up Conference URI system property.
- Telephony: Add Call domain extra in ImsCallProfile.
- Telephony: Add DisconnectCause values for clear code
- MSIM: Define new intent to send set Uicc result
- IMS-VT: Multitasking feature
- Propagate the call substate changed message to the UI
- Ringtone: set default ringtone for triple slots
- MSIM: Retrieve the QS Data icon through PhoneId
- frameworks/base:InCallUI is not coming in but ring is coming in DSDA
- IMS Call End Reason Info Code Additions
- Add constants in voLteServiceState for IMS registration
- IMS-VT: Modification of data usage aidl
- IMS Call Extras Feature
- Creating connections for conference event package participants.
- telecomm: Re-add original ParcelableConnection constructor
- SystemUI: status bar brightness: store value as int
- Bluetooth-Wipower: Enable dynamic logging for A4WP
- Bluetooth: Adds check to verify Bluetooth adapter state
- Bluetooth: Change userhandle to current from ALL
- Bluetooth: Enforce BT state check during GATT close/disconnect
- [1/2] Base: implement App circle sidebar
- App Circle Sidebar: Support for Configurable Trigger Region[1/2]
- MountService: allow overriding default storage list with ro.storage_list.override
- services: AssetAtlasService: prevent IndexOutOfBoundsException
- SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement
- telephony: Update comments for preferred network mode
- Fix Unused Space at Recents When Search Bar is Disabled
- [2/2] Left handed navbar during landscape mode

- Buttons: Prevent toggling disable hardware keys too quickly
- Keydisabler: fix button light restore logic
- Fix exception being thrown if CMHW is not installed.
- Settings Icon: Fix statusbar settings icon
- [2/2] Settings: Implement App circle sidebar
- App Circle Sidebar: Support for Configurable Trigger Region[2/2]
- [2/2] Left handed navbar during landscape mode

- Switch NDK_GCC_VERSION 4.9 (linux-x86)
- build: Allow devices to specify a RIL variant
- core: Get the RIL variant path into the global includes

- Add CAF RIL variant
- Remove some useless repos

- Switch to arm-eabi-4.9 (SM)

- update Slim gapps 29.12.2014

update --- LTR-LP-2014-12-27-mako --- update

No flash SuperSU Rom is root

- Keyguard: set carrier text use_all_caps to FALSE
- Allow adjusting progress on touch events.
- SystemUI: various fixes to data type display
- SystemUI: MSim: hide subs label on KeyGuard
- SystemUI : Fix clear app data crash in recents panel
- android_servers: Fix the duration argument for CPU_BOOST

- About Phone: Disable clicks
- Remove QuickBoot preference if package isn't available
- Settings: fix custom SIM name lost on reboot
- Settings: EL AOSP translation fixes
- Settings: Fix the failing strings
- Settings: Fix AOSP WiFi AP translations
- Revert "Bluetooth: Add Manifest configure to fix settings crash issue."

- update SuperSU ver2.40
- sepolicy: allow recovery read access to /data/media/ files and dirs
- Update Reliance RTel APN's.
- selinux: New rw privileges for themes
- sepolicy: remove stray + in type statement
- Change roaming protocol for "" to IPv4

- Add back in SuperSU to Liquid
- releasetools: allow devices to specify a custom make_recovery_patch
- build: fix dopush for SystemUI
- envsetup: new function cmka
- releasetools: clean up residual targetfiles-* dirs in /tmp
- build: Set QCOM global cflags for secondary arch
- build: Fix copypasta in 2nd target clang flags
- Allow repopick to cherry-pick a specific patch set
- Improve cmremote
- Enabling sdiv support in ART
- recovery: set 18x32 on 560dpi as well
- Switch Rom GCC SM 4.9.3 - December 8, 2014

- mako:switch Kernel GCC 4.8.4 SaberMod
- Overlay: Add Ambient display for mako (all patch).

- update and clean up UBERUTILS/arm-eabi 4.8-4.10 (sm)
- Track lockclock from liquid

- Materialize, (1/2)

... and more

update --- LTR-LP-2014-12-20-mako --- update

Flash ROM
Flash Gapps
Flash SuperSU v2.40 or higher (aka Betas)

- Forward port Samsung STK support (frameworks/base)
- SystemUI: Update WiFi indicator drawable sizes
- Bluetooth: Sync Bluetooth Adapter and Manager Service.
- Update sounds
- Correct the lockscreen carrier text alignment and text color
- Merge tag 'android-5.0.2_r1' into HEAD

- Settings: Add Omni's PerformanceControl
- Revert "Switch to new Superuser"
- Launch SuperSU from Settings
- fix add SuperSU
- Remove CM's tap-to-wake option if Screen off gestures is installed
- new Uri SuperSu
- Remove SL gapps add SuperSu in Download Center

- Use AOSP ringtones, alarms, notifications, and ui
- Revert "Rename Swype Lib"
- remove Superuser
- Add SuperSU [1/2]
- Add d2bst Variant
- Fix-ups for prebuilt Chromium
- Revert "Use AOSP ringtones, alarms, notifications, and ui"

- update 5.0.1_r1 -> 5.0.2_r1

- LRX22G
- Merge tag 'android-5.0.2_r1' into HEAD

- update update to LRX22C fingerprint and description

update --- LTR-LP-2014-12-13-mako --- update
- framework: add blacklist disconnect cause

- fix Text Color
- Switch Theme SuperuserDark

- Settings:Intergrate LockClock settings

- Revert "Revert "Track liquids caf-8960 repos""
- Revert proprietary_vendor_lge to TheMuppets

update --- LTR-LP-2014-12-12-mako --- update
- Revert "Statusbar clock and date customizations"
- Frameworks: Statusbar clock and date customizations
- SystemUI: Status bar clock - fixes
- Forward Port: Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in StatusBar [1/2]
- environment: return external dir if secondary is not defined
- Frameworks: Actually start to use HEADS_UP_REQUESTED extra
- Fix lockscreen selection view in landscape mode.
- Forward Port: Volume button seek on screen off [1/2]
- Framework: StatusBar Ticker (1/2)
- frameworks/base: Fix to avoid UI freeze issue.
- Allow device to enter download mode on framework watchdog
- ContentProvider: Use the mode the use chosen from the dialog …
- DocumentsUI: Fix download status was displayed incompletely
- androidfw: Use the last package to create idmap.
- Download: use "control" column to mark paused/resumed status
- Add turn off action to WiFi Tether notification
- Keyguard: Enable quick unlock (1/2)
- Frameworks: Policy: implement a pin keypad shuffler [1/2]
- Correct check of is user running
- Fix NullPointerException in ListView
- Prevent ANR when broadcast receiver is killed
- Keep deleteIntent when copying Notification attributes
- Consider RTL layout in DPAD navigation in AbsSeekBar
- bug fix possible NPE while startProcessLocked()
- [ActivityManager] Invalidate last screenshot when activity relaunched
- Avoid capture all black screenshot bitmap
- [ActivityManager] Ensure provider external access count will be released
- [ActivityManager] Prevent provider from been created twice.
- Fix pointer index out of range exception
- [ActivityManager] Avoid system server crash due to package removed
- Reset killedByAm flag at attachApplicationLocked
- Prevent showing immersive confirmation unexpectedly
- Fix volume adjust on rotation
- FWB: Network traffic supercharged (1/2)
- systemui: Forward-port notification counters
- MediaMuxer: handle expection for add track
- SystemUI: Remove unnecessary mobile data activity icon update
- SystemUI: Set zen mode to no interruptions if silent mode is set
- SystemUI: Fix task manager title not change with language issue
- SystemUI: Fix sim pin lock message displaying incorrectly issue
- VideoView: Check state before calling suspend
- Allow override of DUN settings
- Sounds: Cleanup duplicate ringtones/alarms
- frameworks/base: Add support for fully transparent layers
- Optimize drawBitmapMesh using TRIANGLE_STRIP
- telephony: SignalStrengh: Don't calculate a LTE snr if the srq is invalid
- ProfileManager: fix coding style
- Fix getPrivacyGuardSettingForPackage()
- Frameworks: Redirect appops strings to string references
- media: Scan FLV files, because why not?
- appops: Fix an off-by-one error that causes the location icon to stay on
- SettingsProvider: Migrate STATS_COLLECTION to secure.
- SystemUI: make long pressing recent switch to last app
- frameworks: allow last app action to be assigned to hardware keys

- Settings: Network traffic supercharged (2/2)
- settings: Forward-port notification counters
- Display Settings: Better font size control
- Forward Port: Volume button seek on screen off [2/2]
- Settings: StatusBar Ticker (2/2)
- settings: Quick unlock controll 1/2
- Settings: Security: implement a pin keypad shuffler [2/2]
- Settings: Switch needs an setOnPreferenceChangeListener
- bugfix: there are other options after in-app search
- Fix Blacklist settings crash
- Settings: materialize Blacklist settings
- Development Settings: Reenable Nuplayer
- Settings: fix profile triggers not showing up for RTL languages
- Settings: fix appops delete sms string
- settings: Fix warnings
- Settings: Fix blacklist settings crash
- Settings: last app action in long press
- Settings: add status bar brightness control and tap to sleep settings
- Rename L-TR Downlaods in Download Center

- Build Eleven
- Fix the Reliance MMS APN (mcc 405, mnc 01)
- Added telenor 'smart' ipv4v6 apn
- sepolicy: More rules for recovery
- selinux: Workaround for devices with PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS enforcement
- liquid: add sepolicy entry for lockscreen wallpaper

- build: Add chromium prebuilt support to && The core Makefile
- Prebuilt chromium: Run a check for target device directory
- build: Fix PreBuilt Chromium refs

- Add SM 4.8/4.9 androideabi RomToolchains (Thx Cl3Kener)
- Track Eleven from cm

update --- LTR-LP-2014-12-08-mako --- update

- bootanimation: Only try to shutdown the mediaplayer if it was prepared
- ContactsProvider: Make ContactCounts public like cm11
- Contacts: add the local group info and API
- [2/2] Framework AppOps: Add per Op allowed and ignored counters
- Add support for QC's time_daemon
- ExternalStorageProvider: String mismatch with system language
- tethering: update connectivity intent
- UsbSettings: Add UMS mode support.
- UsbSettings: Adjust UMS mode code logic
- Make sure emulated storage path index is 0
- ExternalStorageProvider: SD card's name in Document UI is unreadable
- Storage: Add secondary storage support for app installation
- Hide new methods instead of modifying the public API
- Fix power off drawable
- base: fix public api breakage

- Cleanup Security/Privacy settings code
- [1/2] Settings AppOps: show/hide app type and allow/deny counters
- profiles: Make the actions wizard buttons show up
- profiles: Make the floating action button more material-y
- TrustedCredentials: Don't crash when the activity is paused
- bluetooth: Show a refresh icon on the select devices screen
- settings: Squashed commit of CMHW features
- Setting: add app move to external storage
- BootReceiver: remove duplicate DisplaySettings.restore(ctx);
- Update the Privacy category drawable
- Update Profiles settings icon
- Add Buttons settings drawable
- Rename Profiles to System profiles
- settings: fix superuser Icon

- Update Swype Lib

- LatinIME to trex
- Revert "mms to trex" to CM

- media: Enable ffmpeg decoders


* Wipe data/factory reset
* Instalar Liquid-Trex desde la SD Card
* Flashear GAPPS
* No flashear SuperSU (viene integrado)
* Reiniciar!
* Disfrutar

Capturas de pantalla en el cuarto y quinto post del hilo gracias a Slipknot30


Última edición por marpe Día 20/09/16 a las 09:35:14. Razón: Actualización de la Rom
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Viejo 14/12/14, 13:43:37

marpe marpe no está en línea
Pinche de cocina
· Votos compra/venta: (59)
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 13,936
Modelo de smartphone: Cada semana uno diferente
Tu operador: DigiMobil
Me lo pido

Slipknot30, si la llevas en estos momentos te agdradecería unas capturillas

Responder Con Cita
Viejo 14/12/14, 13:53:29

Motoralmaisangre Motoralmaisangre no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: ago 2012
Localización: Buenos Aires, ARG
Mensajes: 33
Modelo de smartphone: Nexus 4 & Razr HD
Tu operador: Personal
La estoy probando desde ayer, por ahora 10 puntos...
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Viejo 14/12/14, 16:24:31

slipknot30 slipknot30 no está en línea
Psicotester oficial
· Votos compra/venta: (4)
Fecha de registro: oct 2011
Localización: madrid
Mensajes: 13,507
Modelo de smartphone: depende
Tu operador: Otra
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Viejo 14/12/14, 16:25:57

slipknot30 slipknot30 no está en línea
Psicotester oficial
· Votos compra/venta: (4)
Fecha de registro: oct 2011
Localización: madrid
Mensajes: 13,507
Modelo de smartphone: depende
Tu operador: Otra
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Los siguientes 3 usuarios han agradecido a slipknot30 su comentario:
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Viejo 14/12/14, 16:37:52

marpe marpe no está en línea
Pinche de cocina
· Votos compra/venta: (59)
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 13,936
Modelo de smartphone: Cada semana uno diferente
Tu operador: DigiMobil
Puesto en el primer post
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Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 14/12/14, 16:40:10

marpe marpe no está en línea
Pinche de cocina
· Votos compra/venta: (59)
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 13,936
Modelo de smartphone: Cada semana uno diferente
Tu operador: DigiMobil
Responder Con Cita
Los siguientes 2 usuarios han agradecido a marpe su comentario:
Viejo 14/12/14, 16:53:07

ewardofr ewardofr no está en línea
Miembro del foro
Fecha de registro: ago 2011
Localización: Murcia
Mensajes: 410
Modelo de smartphone: LG G4
Tu operador: Otra
Mejor que la del carioca?
Responder Con Cita
Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 14/12/14, 17:03:26

doch doch no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 518
Modelo de smartphone: Mi A2 Lite
Tu operador: Movistar
Gapps para esta, cualquiera valen, CM por ejemplo
Responder Con Cita
Viejo 14/12/14, 17:05:40

marpe marpe no está en línea
Pinche de cocina
· Votos compra/venta: (59)
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 13,936
Modelo de smartphone: Cada semana uno diferente
Tu operador: DigiMobil
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por ewardofr Ver Mensaje
Mejor que la del carioca?
Decidir si una Rom es mejor que otra es complicado (para gustos colores)
Lo que sí puedo decir es que viene ya con bastante personalización (los cocineros se están poniendo las pilas)
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Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 14/12/14, 17:11:40

snaky90 snaky90 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
· Votos compra/venta: (1)
Fecha de registro: ene 2010
Mensajes: 1,446
Modelo de smartphone: OnePlus 7
Tu operador: Vodafone
Cual es la principal diferencia con la liquidlollipo que usa de base ?
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Viejo 14/12/14, 19:57:07

slipknot30 slipknot30 no está en línea
Psicotester oficial
· Votos compra/venta: (4)
Fecha de registro: oct 2011
Localización: madrid
Mensajes: 13,507
Modelo de smartphone: depende
Tu operador: Otra
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por Zelaitxo Ver Mensaje
Hola pomp,
como le cambiaste el tactil?
Lo enviaste a algun sitio en concreto?
Esta es mas oscurita
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Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 14/12/14, 19:59:11

eldardo3 eldardo3 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: dic 2011
Localización: guada
Mensajes: 1,057
Modelo de smartphone: LG G6 & Nexus 4 & Xiaomi My Pad
Tu operador: Otra
Pues esta rom va de marvilla, a esperar que tal los consumos. pero de momento aqui me quedo
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Viejo 14/12/14, 20:00:40

marpe marpe no está en línea
Pinche de cocina
· Votos compra/venta: (59)
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 13,936
Modelo de smartphone: Cada semana uno diferente
Tu operador: DigiMobil
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por slipknot30 Ver Mensaje
Esta es mas oscurita
Te sobra la cita del post....
Responder Con Cita
Viejo 14/12/14, 20:09:02

ozupepe ozupepe no está en línea
Miembro del foro
Fecha de registro: jul 2011
Localización: Malaga
Mensajes: 243
Modelo de smartphone: Samsung S7 edge
Tu operador: Yoigo
Lo he intentado esta tarde pero no me deja instalar las Gapps que antes si y después también me cierra el navegador.
Ahora aparte se ve muy bien y lo de oscuro se agradece
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Viejo 14/12/14, 20:11:03

slipknot30 slipknot30 no está en línea
Psicotester oficial
· Votos compra/venta: (4)
Fecha de registro: oct 2011
Localización: madrid
Mensajes: 13,507
Modelo de smartphone: depende
Tu operador: Otra
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por marpe Ver Mensaje
Te sobra la cita del post....
Esa cita de donde a salido?
Responder Con Cita
Viejo 14/12/14, 21:14:55

zarvaje zarvaje no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: dic 2010
Localización: Malparida de Plasencia
Mensajes: 1,600
Modelo de smartphone: Pocophone f1 64GB rojo
Tu operador: Tuenti Movil
Valla pintaca que tiene esta rom. en cuanto pueda la pruebo a ver que tal...
Responder Con Cita
Viejo 14/12/14, 21:43:39

marpe marpe no está en línea
Pinche de cocina
· Votos compra/venta: (59)
Fecha de registro: ene 2011
Mensajes: 13,936
Modelo de smartphone: Cada semana uno diferente
Tu operador: DigiMobil
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por slipknot30 Ver Mensaje
Esa cita de donde a salido?
Tú sabrás....por más que la he buscado en el hilo no la he encontrado.
Cierto es que se había caído la página unos momentos antes y es posible que la Base de Datos estuviera inconsistente
Responder Con Cita
Viejo 14/12/14, 21:45:23

elandune elandune no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
· Votos compra/venta: (1)
Fecha de registro: mar 2011
Mensajes: 3,134
Modelo de smartphone: Nexus 4
Tu operador: Tuenti Movil
¿qué iconos son slipknot?

Última edición por elandune Día 14/12/14 a las 22:52:27.
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Viejo 14/12/14, 21:51:35

slipknot30 slipknot30 no está en línea
Psicotester oficial
· Votos compra/venta: (4)
Fecha de registro: oct 2011
Localización: madrid
Mensajes: 13,507
Modelo de smartphone: depende
Tu operador: Otra
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por marpe Ver Mensaje
Tú sabrás....por más que la he buscado en el hilo no la he encontrado.
Cierto es que se había caído la página unos momentos antes y es posible que la Base de Datos estuviera inconsistente
Me pasa algumas veces con tapa pero hacia mucho qie no pasaba

 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por elandune Ver Mensaje
¿qué iconos son slipknos?
Black & Red
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