ROMs y desarrollo bq Aquaris E10 ROMs y desarrollo bq Aquaris E10

Viejo 02/03/22, 18:48:22

R0rt1z2 R0rt1z2 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2018
Localización: Barcelona
Mensajes: 1,825
Modelo de smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Tu operador: O2
[5.1][UNOFFICIAL][BETA] LineageOS 12.1 Aquaris E10 (kaito, kaito_wifi)

LineageOS es gratuito, construido por la comunidad, distribución de firmware postventa de Android 5.1 (Lollipop), que ha sido diseñada para incrementar el rendimiento y la fiabilidad y seguridad sobre Android stock en tu dispositivo.

* Your warranty is now void. 
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, 
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please 
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM 
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if 
 * you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
LineageOS esta basada en el Android Open Source Project con contribuciones extra de mucha gente dentro de la comunidad Android. Puede ser utilizado sin la necesidad de tener ninguna aplicación de Google instalada.
A continuación tenéis un zip que restaura la aplicaciones de Google.

Todo el código fuente de LineageOS esta disponible en el repositorio de LineageOS Github . Y si tu quieres contribuir en LineageOS, por favor visita su Gerrit Code Review. Tu también puedes ver y comentar la lista de cambios e implementaciones.

Instrucciones de instalación:
  • Verificar el MD5 de la ROM.
  • Reiniciar al recovery (TWRP).
  • Wipe Data, System y Cache si es una instalación limpia.
  • Flashear la ROM y las Gapps.
  • Reiniciar.
  • Llamadas, datos móviles (kaito).
  • Cámara de fotos o captura de vídeos (kaito, kaito_wifi).
  • Radio FM (kaito, kaito_wifi).
  • Micrófono interno (kaito, kaito_wifi).
Enlaces de descarga:
Capturas de pantalla:

Agradecimientos: @oceam, nada habría sido posible sin su donación
Código fuente:

Última edición por R0rtiz2 Día 22/04/22 a las 09:49:28.
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Viejo 02/03/22, 18:49:10

R0rt1z2 R0rt1z2 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2018
Localización: Barcelona
Mensajes: 1,825
Modelo de smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Tu operador: O2
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Viejo 02/03/22, 18:50:06

R0rt1z2 R0rt1z2 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2018
Localización: Barcelona
Mensajes: 1,825
Modelo de smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Tu operador: O2
Reservado (#2)
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Viejo 03/03/22, 06:40:34

framcruz framcruz no está en línea
Miembro del foro
Fecha de registro: ago 2009
Mensajes: 231
Modelo de smartphone: BQ-Aquaris X PRO
Tu operador: Orange
Muchas gracias. Esta tarde la voy a probar en la mía, que es wifi, y ya te cuento. Un saludo
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Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 03/03/22, 11:14:48

framcruz framcruz no está en línea
Miembro del foro
Fecha de registro: ago 2009
Mensajes: 231
Modelo de smartphone: BQ-Aquaris X PRO
Tu operador: Orange
Buenos días. Estoy respondiendo desde mi bq aquaris E10. Buen trabajo!!!
De momento va bien. Deja instalar aplicaciones y parecen funcionar.
- El primer fallo lo he visto en Youtube. Aparece un error de conexión. Los vídeos no se ven, pero si se escuchan
- Las aplicaciones instaladas no aparecen en el cajón de aplicaciones

Última edición por framcruz Día 03/03/22 a las 20:20:04.
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Viejo 03/03/22, 15:34:31

R0rt1z2 R0rt1z2 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2018
Localización: Barcelona
Mensajes: 1,825
Modelo de smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Tu operador: O2
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por framcruz Ver Mensaje
Buenos días. Estoy respondiendo desde mi bq aquaris E10. Buen trabajo!!!
De momento va bien. Deja instalar aplicaciones y parecen funcionar.
El primer fallo lo he visto en Youtube. Aparece un error de conexión. Los vídeos no se ven, pero si se escuchanArchivo Adjunto 1414223

Gracias por el reporte, le echaré un vistazo al problema de YouTube cuanto saque un poco de tiempo.
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Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 03/03/22, 20:21:01

framcruz framcruz no está en línea
Miembro del foro
Fecha de registro: ago 2009
Mensajes: 231
Modelo de smartphone: BQ-Aquaris X PRO
Tu operador: Orange
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por R0rtiz2 Ver Mensaje
Gracias por el reporte, le echaré un vistazo al problema de YouTube cuanto saque un poco de tiempo.
Si te parece bien, voy añadiendo los fallos que veo en el mensaje anterior
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Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 05/03/22, 23:34:16

uri5 uri5 no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: mar 2022
Mensajes: 5
Tu operador: -

Muy buena!!
Al flashearla me sale error "Installation aborted"

Última edición por uri5 Día 05/03/22 a las 23:56:18.
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Viejo 06/03/22, 00:13:05

R0rt1z2 R0rt1z2 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2018
Localización: Barcelona
Mensajes: 1,825
Modelo de smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Tu operador: O2
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por uri5 Ver Mensaje
Muy buena!!
Al flashearla me sale error "Installation aborted"
¿Que recovery estás utilizando?
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Viejo 06/03/22, 10:47:55

uri5 uri5 no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: mar 2022
Mensajes: 5
Tu operador: -

Solucionado, estaba en el recovery por defecto, al instalar twrp se instaló sin problema
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Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 08/03/22, 17:03:28

basih basih no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: oct 2010
Mensajes: 5
Tu operador: Movistar

Gracias por el aporte pensaba que esta tablet se quedaría en el baúl de los recuerdos para siempre .
Me pasa lo mismo que al compañero con el programa YouTube se escucha pero no se ve.
Además me gustaría saber cómo conectar la tablet al PC a través de USB porque lo he intentado y no es posible algo que no hago bien .
Te seguiré comentando y muchas gracias
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Viejo 13/03/22, 20:17:29

oceam oceam no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2014
Mensajes: 15
Tu operador: Movistar

Hola amigos usuarios de la BQ Aquaris E10.

Quería en primer lugar devolver las gracias a @R0rtiz2 y darselas tb a Jose.

Los dos son unos auténticos cracks desarrollando, y sobre todo dos buenas personas.

Os comento como surgió todo esto, os pongo en situación, yo era propietario de varios dispositivos BQ tanto moviles como tablet.

Hace ya tiempo, intente actualizar la dichosa tablet siendo imposible, asi como otros móviles que tengo. Todos ellos los dejaron sin soporte, y lo que es peor engañaron a sus compradores, nos aseguraron al menos dos subidas de versión de android. Y en algunos de los dispositivos no tuvimos ni una. Entre esos dispositivos estaba la tablet E10.

Una tablet que cumplía en hardware, pero que los de Bq dejaron sin software. Ya digo que yo no recibí ni una sola acutalización. Cual es el problema... pues cuando hay ya aplicaciones que no se pueden usar con el android 4.4.2... que manda huevos...

Pues bien en alguno de mis móviles, puede librarme de BQ, y pasarme a Lineage, alargando la vida de moviles como mi BQ X, dandole una segunda y mejor vida aun, fluidez y rapidez, y con el último android hasta la fecha.

En el caso de la tablet, lo intente pero fue imposible, no habia nada, no se podía. Y el motivo que ya no solo que nos engañaron con las actualizaciones dejandonos unas bonitas tablet para cortar queso, inservibles, sino que tuvieron la poca dignidad de lo liberar todo el material para que nuestros amigos desarrolladores pudieran haber dado soporte a estos terminales.

Si es cierto que me plantee denunciar a BQ por estafa, porque es lo que fue, pero ya sabemos como va la justicia en este país, y lo que tardaría en resolverse y que en ese momento de mi vida personal y laboral me era imposible meterme en mas lios, hoy os aseguro que lo hubiera hecho, y tanto es asi que estuve realizando gestiones y llevábamos todas la de ganar (ojo con documentación).
Pero a ellos realmente les daba igual, habian vendido la empresa y cogieron la pasta como el del monorrail del capitulo de los Simpsons.

Total, que un dia en un grupo de telegram pude hablar con Jose, mi primera sorpresa es que me respondiera tan bien, la segunda como se implico en el tema desinteresadamente. Y me puso en contacto con @R0rtiz2, es decir los dos derrallonando roms sin tener la tablet, y yo dueño de la tablet haciendo de tester... lo que buenamente pude.

He de decir que en ese momento me sirvio de escape por situaciones personales que ellos saben, y tambien me valio para aprender en la medida de mis pequeños conocimientos, y sobre todo tener el placer de conocerlos, DOS AUNTENTICAS MAQUINAS, Y MUY MUY MUY BUENAS PERSONAS.

No se las horas que le echarían estos chavales, yo solo se que estuve con ellos trasteando online bastantes y era la parte final de cada nueva rom que sacaban. Tras muchos intentos no conseguiamos que boteara, consiguieron grandes avances pero no terminabamos de rematar la faena.

En ese momento me di cuenta que el dique era yo, ya os digo que mis conocimientos son muy limitados, y estos dos son unas fieras, cual Ronaldo y Messi y yo un jugador de pachanga dominguera con los amigos.

Asi que se quedo eso un poco parado porque cada uno tiene sus cosas ellos para desarrollar y yo para probar.

Un dia de lucidez, pense y para que quiero yo ya esta tablet que vale que esta practicamente nueva sino voy a poder actualizarla... cuando estos chavales seguramente puedan desarrollarla y si lo consiguen ayudar a que otros usuarios puedan acutalizarla. Tantas veces me he beneficiado yo de app, roms, etc de desarrolladores y usuarios, que lo mismo era el momento de "donar mi tablet a la ciencia". Y asi fue, se la regale, con la satisfación personal de que estos dos cracks la hayan resucitado.

El dique se quito, y ahora el agua fluye, todas estas tablet se que van a tener una nueva vida, eso es un gustazo personal, poder demostrar que la colaboración da sus frutos, y no el egoismo, la prepotencia y la mala fe en este caso de BQ, con sus clientes.

En estos foros tuve varias enganchonas con BQ, hoy puedo decirles publicamente que actuaron de mala fe, y aqui estan los resultados, dos chavales les han dado un repaso, sin los archivos necesarios han conseguido resucitar esta tablet.

La verdad siempre vence. Yo de todo esto saco dos cosas, lo mejor es poder haber conocido a estos fenómenos Roger y Jose, Jose y Roger; y segundo poder ayudar a mi manera a tantos otros amigos propietarios de un dispositivo Bq.

A Bq mi desprecio absoluto, no tuvieron ni la dignidad de colaborar con todos estos desarrolladores, ya que ellos incumplieron su palabra con sus clientes. Y ojo que lo dice una persona que compro 5 moviles Bq y una tablet, asi que un poco de respeto a la gente que creimos en aquellos años en esta empresa española, y desgraciadamente luego fuimos engañados.

Las empresas se pueden vender, cerrar, cambiar... mil cosas lo se en mis propias carnes; pero hay que tener una dignidad y una etica profesional, en este caso no se tuvo.

Resumiendo, denle las gracias a estos dos maquinas, porque han dado vida a su tablet, y sobre todo ayudense a seguir desarrollandola, porque ha quedado claro que colaborando se puede conseguir todo.

Perdón por el tocho, y gracias a todos.

Pd: solo pido que suban fotos y videos de sus tablets funcionando, para mi es un orgullo y satisfación verlas vivas. Un abrazo
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Viejo 26/03/22, 16:05:23

arrass arrass no está en línea
Miembro del foro
Fecha de registro: dic 2010
Localización: Zaragoza
Mensajes: 284
Modelo de smartphone: Xiaomi mi 9 SE
Tu operador: MasMóvil

Estoy intentando instalar el recovery, pero no hay forma, intento según los pasos, pero cuando conecto la tablet apagada al PC, no empieza la herramienta Samart Phone Flash Tool a descargar.

Alguien me puede instalar para luego instalar esta rom?

Un saludo y gracias.
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Viejo 01/04/22, 23:38:34

renegados renegados no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: abr 2022
Mensajes: 9
Tu operador: -

Me uno al hilo, a caido una E10 en mis manos, parece una buena tablet para el tiempo que tiene, pero el soft, no acompaña, y el soporte oficial....nada que decir

Por mi parte, si puedo servir de ayuda, decirlo, en cuanto tenga un rato, cargare la rom a ver que tal.
En cuanto a desarrollo, la verdad es que nunca me he puesto a desarrollar roms, pero en cuanto a mundo linux, algo de programacion, y en general apañarme con cacharros electronicos, si que estoy comod. Por lo que si puedo aportar algo, contad conmigo

Por cierto, el stock rom, lo habeis conseguido??
Un agradecimiento a vuestra dedicacion y un saludo
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Viejo 16/04/22, 13:57:09

renegados renegados no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: abr 2022
Mensajes: 9
Tu operador: -

 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por arrass Ver Mensaje

Estoy intentando instalar el recovery, pero no hay forma, intento según los pasos, pero cuando conecto la tablet apagada al PC, no empieza la herramienta Samart Phone Flash Tool a descargar.

Alguien me puede instalar para luego instalar esta rom?

Un saludo y gracias.

He empezado a trastear el cacharro, yo he instalado el TWRP, primero rooteado con iRoot. Una vez rooteado, con la app MTKroot, he instalado TWRP. y una vez instalada la app, en la app TWRP, haces la instalacion del recovery

Ahora estoy tanteando a ver si localizo la stock rom antes de meter el lineage compartido aqui.
Ya nos contaras
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Viejo 16/04/22, 14:09:12

renegados renegados no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: abr 2022
Mensajes: 9
Tu operador: -

Siguiendo con el trasteo, he visto que en la placa interior tiene un juego de pines Tx0 Rx0 y Tx1 Rx1, y senti curiosidad....asi que le enchufe el serial a 921600 baud
y esto es lo qeu tenemos...tenia la esperanza de interrumpir el boot y poder alterarlo (como se puede hacer en ciertos cacharros tales como routers, nas etc)

Pero no ha sido posible, si que aporta algo de informacion sobre las ubicaciones de memoria

Por si fuera de ayuda, os cuelgo el log de un boot
En TX0-RX0 hay resultados, en TX1-RX1, no hay nada

▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒                         ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
 [USBD] USB PRB0 LineState: 0

[USBD] USB cable/ No Cable inserted!

[PLFM] Keep stay in USB Mode
wait for frequency meter finish, CLK26CALI = 0x81
mt_pll_post_init: mt_get_cpu_freq = 845000Khz
wait for frequency meter finish, CLK26CALI = 0x90
mt_pll_post_init: mt_get_bus_freq = 273000Khz
wait for frequency meter finish, CLK26CALI = 0x81
mt_pll_post_init: mt_get_mem_freq = 266347Khz
[PWRAP] pwrap_init_preloader
[PWRAP] pwrap_init
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=0,rdata=2D52
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=1,rdata=800
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=2 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=3 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=4 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=5 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=6 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=7 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=8 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=9,rdata=1001
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=10,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=11,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=12,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=13,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=14,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=15,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=16,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=17,rdata=2003
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=18,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=19,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=20,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=21,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=22,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=23,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_reg_clock
[PMIC_WRAP]wrap_init pass,the return value=0.
[pmic_init] Preloader Start..................
[pmic_init] PMIC CHIP Code = 0x2023
pl pmic powerkey Press
[pmic_init] PowerKey = 1
[pmic_init] is USB in = 0xB004
[pmic_init] Reg[0x11A]=0x1B
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x93
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[mt6333_init] Reg[0]=0x93
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x30
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[mt6333_init] Reg[FD]=0x30
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x10
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[mt6333_init] Reg[2C]=0x10
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x0
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x8
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x0
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x0
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[pmic_init] Done...................
chr force en
[PLFM] Init I2C: OK(0)
[PLFM] Init PWRAP: OK(0)
[PLFM] Init PMIC: OK(0)
[PLFM] chip[CA00]

[BLDR] Build Time: 20141113-125840
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒==== Dump RGU Reg ========
RGU MODE:     4D
RGU STA:      0
==== Dump RGU Reg End ====
RGU: g_rgu_satus:0
wdt disable rgu eco.....
 mtk_wdt_mode_config  mode value=0, tmp:22000000
WDT does not trigger reboot
wdt enable rgu eco(22000001)
 mtk_wdt_mode_config  mode value=4C, tmp:2200004C
RGU mtk_wdt_init:MTK_WDT_DEBUG_CTL(590200F3)
kpd read addr: 0x0040: data:0x4005
Enter mtk_kpd_gpio_set!
after set KP enable: KP_SEL = 0x0 !
MTK_PMIC_RST_KEY is used for this project!
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=3967
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
[RTC] bbpu = 0x6, con = 0x8FFA
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=3967
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
rtc_2sec_reboot_check cali=1792
[RTC] irqsta = 0x0, pdn1 = 0x0, pdn2 = 0x201, spar0 = 0xC0, spar1 = 0x800
[RTC] new_spare0 = 0x0, new_spare1 = 0x1, new_spare2 = 0x1, new_spare3 = 0x1
[RTC] bbpu = 0x6, con = 0x426, cali = 0x700
pl pmic powerkey Release
[PLFM] mtk_detect_pmic_just_rst ++
detecting pmic just reset
[PLFM] mtk_detect_pmic_just_rst --
[PLFM] 2sec reboot!
[RTC] rtc_bbpu_power_on done
[SD0] Bus Width: 1
[SD0] SET_CLK(260kHz): SCLK(259kHz) MODE(0) DDR(0) DIV(193) DS(0) RS(0)
[SD0] Switch to High-Speed mode!
[SD0] SET_CLK(260kHz): SCLK(259kHz) MODE(2) DDR(1) DIV(96) DS(0) RS(0)
[SD0] Bus Width: 8
[SD0] Size: 15032 MB, Max.Speed: 52000 kHz, blklen(512), nblks(30785536), ro(0)
[SD0] Initialized
[SD0] SET_CLK(52000kHz): SCLK(50000kHz) MODE(2) DDR(1) DIV(0) DS(0) RS(0)
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x30
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x30
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x50
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x50
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
rank 0 coarse = 19
rank 0 fine = 72
10:|    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0
opt_dle value:8
rank 1 coarse = 19
rank 1 fine = 80
10:|    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0
opt_dle value:8
byte:0, (DQS,DQ)=(A,8)
byte:1, (DQS,DQ)=(9,8)
byte:2, (DQS,DQ)=(B,8)
byte:3, (DQS,DQ)=(9,8)
[MEM] complex R/W mem test pass
[Dram_Buffer] dram size:-2147483648
[Dram_Buffer] structure size: 1777016
[Dram_Buffer] structure size2: 512
[PLFM] Init Boot Device: OK(0)
============func=load_pt===scan pmt from 00000003AB700000=====
find pt at 00000003AB700000
find pt
part PRELOADER size 0000000000000000 0000000000040000
part MBR size 0000000000000000 0000000000080000
part EBR1 size 0000000000080000 0000000000080000
part PRO_INFO size 0000000000100000 0000000000300000
part NVRAM size 0000000000400000 0000000000500000
part PROTECT_F size 0000000000900000 0000000000A00000
part PROTECT_S size 0000000001300000 0000000000A00000
part SECCFG size 0000000001D00000 0000000000040000
part UBOOT size 0000000001D40000 0000000000060000
part BOOTIMG size 0000000001DA0000 0000000001400000
part RECOVERY size 00000000031A0000 0000000001400000
part SEC_RO size 00000000045A0000 0000000000600000
part MISC size 0000000004BA0000 0000000000080000
part LOGO size 0000000004C20000 0000000000800000
part EXPDB size 0000000005420000 0000000000BE0000
part ANDROID size 0000000006000000 000000004C800000
part CACHE size 0000000052800000 0000000040000000
part USRDATA size 0000000092800000 0000000317B00000
part BMTPOOL size 00000000FFFF00A8 0000000001500000

[PART] blksz: 512B
[PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x000000000003FFFF] "PRELOADER" (512 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x000000000007FFFF] "MBR" (1024 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000080000-0x00000000000FFFFF] "EBR1" (1024 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000100000-0x00000000003FFFFF] "PRO_INFO" (6144 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000400000-0x00000000008FFFFF] "NVRAM" (10240 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000900000-0x00000000012FFFFF] "PROTECT_F" (20480 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001300000-0x0000000001CFFFFF] "PROTECT_S" (20480 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001D00000-0x0000000001D3FFFF] "SECURE" (512 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001D40000-0x0000000001D9FFFF] "UBOOT" (768 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001DA0000-0x000000000319FFFF] "BOOTIMG" (40960 blocks)
[PART] [0x00000000031A0000-0x000000000459FFFF] "RECOVERY" (40960 blocks)
[PART] [0x00000000045A0000-0x0000000004B9FFFF] "SECSTATIC" (12288 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000004BA0000-0x0000000004C1FFFF] "MISC" (1024 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000004C20000-0x000000000541FFFF] "LOGO" (16384 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000005420000-0x0000000005FFFFFF] "EXPDB" (24320 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000006000000-0x00000000527FFFFF] "ANDSYSIMG" (2506752 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000052800000-0x00000000927FFFFF] "CACHE" (2097152 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000092800000-0x00000000DC3FFFFF] "USER" (2416640 blocks)
[ROM_INFO] 'v2','0x1D00000','0x40000','0x45A0000','0x2C00'
[SEC_K] SBC_PUBK Not Found '0x6000'
[SEC] AES Legacy : 0

[SEC] read '0x1D00000'

[LIB] SecLib.a '20131222-133749'
[LIB] CFG read size '0x2000' '0x1860'
[LIB] Name =
[LIB] Config = 0x22, 0x22
[LIB] seccfg magic is incorrect
[platform_vusb_on] PASS
[TOOL] PMIC not dectect usb cable!
[TOOL] <UART> listen  ended, receive size:0!

[TOOL] <UART> wait sync time 150ms->5ms
[TOOL] <UART> receieved data: ()
[SECRO] Don't read
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SBC] Don't check

Device APC domain init setup:

[PART] Image with part header
[PART] name : LK
[PART] size : 237000
[PART] magic: 58881688h

[PART] load "UBOOT" from 0x0000000001D40200 (dev) to 0x81E00000 (mem) [SUCCESS]
[PART] load speed: 10519KB/s, 237000 bytes, 22ms
chr force dis

[PLFM] boot reason: 6
[PLFM] boot mode: 0
[PLFM] <0xFFB97910>: 0x1
[PLFM] boot time: 1685ms
[PLFM] DDR reserve mode: enable = 0, success = 0

[BLDR] jump to 0x81E00000
[BLDR] <0x81E00000>=0
                     [dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=880,txdiv=1,pcw=1135688467                         ,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x800
after efuse adjust, DSI_CLK_REG = 0x821, DSI_DAT0_REG=0x401,DSI_DAT1_REG=0x101,D                         SI_DAT2_REG=0x101,DSI_DAT3_REG=0x101

[DISP] - DSI_PowerOn. 0x       0
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - _DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, Cycle Time = 10(ns), Unit Interval =                          2(ns). , lane# = 4
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, HS_TRAIL = 20, HS_ZERO = 15, HS_PRPR =                          7, LPX = 8, TA_GET = 40, TA_SURE = 12, TA_GO = 32, CLK_TRAIL = 20, CLK_ZERO = 4                         0, CLK_HS_PRPR = 6
DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, 0x140f0708,0x1f280c20,0x14280000,0x00101f06
DISP/[dsi_drv.c] LK config VDO Timing: 1184
DISP/[DISP] kernel - video timing, mode = 3
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VSA : 2 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VBP : 18 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VFP : 15 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VACT: 1200
lcm is not connected
[DISP] - DSI_PowerOff. 0x       3
[mtkfb] LCM TYPE: DSI
[mtkfb] LCM resolution: 1920 x 1200
[LEDS]LK: leds_init: mt65xx_backlight_off
[LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_off
[LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 0
[LEDS]LK: isink_init: turn on PMIC6320 isink
[0] [LK_PMIC_INIT_SETTING_V1] PMIC Chip = 0x2023
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x93
[0] [mt6333_init] Reg[0]=0x93
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x30
[0] [mt6333_init] Reg[fd]=0x30
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x2
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x0]=0x2 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x1]=0x1 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x6
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x2]=0x6 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x3]=0xa [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1b
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x4]=0x1b [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x20
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x5]=0x20 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x2
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x0]=0x2 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x1]=0x1 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x6
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x2]=0x6 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x3]=0xa [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1f
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x4]=0x1f [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x20
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x5]=0x20 [10] platform_init()
[mt_part_register_device]malloc 1024 : 81e592b8
============func=load_pt===scan pmt from 3ab700000=====
find pt at 3ab700000
Find pt
partition PRELOADER size 0000000000000000 0000000000040000
partition MBR size 0000000000000000 0000000000080000
partition EBR1 size 0000000000080000 0000000000080000
partition PRO_INFO size 0000000000100000 0000000000300000
partition NVRAM size 0000000000400000 0000000000500000
partition PROTECT_F size 0000000000900000 0000000000a00000
partition PROTECT_S size 0000000001300000 0000000000a00000
partition SECCFG size 0000000001d00000 0000000000040000
partition UBOOT size 0000000001d40000 0000000000060000
partition BOOTIMG size 0000000001da0000 0000000001400000
partition RECOVERY size 00000000031a0000 0000000001400000
partition SEC_RO size 00000000045a0000 0000000000600000
partition MISC size 0000000004ba0000 0000000000080000
partition LOGO size 0000000004c20000 0000000000800000
partition EXPDB size 0000000005420000 0000000000be0000
partition ANDROID size 0000000006000000 000000004c800000
partition CACHE size 0000000052800000 0000000040000000
partition USRDATA size 0000000092800000 0000000318700000
[mt_part_get_partition] MISC
[mt_part_get_partition] 25d00
[LK_ENV]ENV initialize sucess
DISP/disp common log enabled
DISP/lcd log enabled
[LK_ENV]get_env DFO
LCM Resolution will be changed, original: 1920x1200, now: 0x0
Invalid resolution: 0x0
DISP_Init, 475
DISP/DISP_Init, 483
DISP/DISP_Init, 488
DISP/DISP_Init, 494
DISP/DISP_Init, 498
DSI_PHY_clk_adjusting: efuse register 0x10206180=0x0, bit28_31=0x0, bit24_27=0x0                         , bit20_23=0x0,bit16_19=0x0,bit12_15=0x0
before efuse adjust, DSI_CLK_REG = 0x821, DSI_DAT0_REG=0x401,DSI_DAT1_REG=0x101,                         DSI_DAT2_REG=0x101,DSI_DAT3_REG=0x101
[dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=880,txdiv=1,pcw=1135688467,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x8                         00
after efuse adjust, DSI_CLK_REG = 0x821, DSI_DAT0_REG=0x401,DSI_DAT1_REG=0x101,D                         SI_DAT2_REG=0x101,DSI_DAT3_REG=0x101

[DISP] - DSI_PowerOn. 0x       0
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - _DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, Cycle Time = 10(ns), Unit Interval =                          2(ns). , lane# = 4
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, HS_TRAIL = 20, HS_ZERO = 15, HS_PRPR =                          7, LPX = 8, TA_GET = 40, TA_SURE = 12, TA_GO = 32, CLK_TRAIL = 20, CLK_ZERO = 4                         0, CLK_HS_PRPR = 6
DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, 0x140f0708,0x1f280c20,0x14280000,0x00101f06
DISP/[dsi_drv.c] LK config VDO Timing: 1184
DISP/[DISP] kernel - video timing, mode = 3
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VSA : 2 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VBP : 18 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VFP : 15 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VACT: 1200
[DDP] disp_bls_init : srcWidth = 1920, srcHeight = 1200
[DDP] disp_bls_init : CG = 0x0, BLS_EN = 0x0, PWM_DUTY = 1023
[DSS]dispsys_bypass_color, width=1920, height=1200
[DSS]dispsys_bypass_color, 0x2000203c, 0x1, 0x780, 0x4b0
RDMA: w=1920, h=1200, pitch=5760, mode=0
DISP/DISP_Init, 503
DISP/DISP_Init, 506
[mt_part_get_partition] LOGO
[mt_part_get_partition] 26100
[mt_part_get_partition] LOGO
[mt_part_get_partition] 26100
[800] [LK_BOOT] LOGO magic number : 0x58881688
[800] [LK_BOOT] LOGO name         : LOGO
[800] [LK_BOOT] LOGO size         : 862395
[800] =========================================
[800] read the data of LOGO
is_low_battery, FALSE
[wwy] hardware address = fda2f000, fb_offset_logo = 3
[wwy] enter DSI_RegUpdate
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 0
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 1
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 2
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 3
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 4
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 5
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 6
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 7
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 8
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 9
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 10
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 11
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 12
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 13
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 14
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 15
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 16
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 17
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 18
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 19
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 20
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 21
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 22
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 23
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 24
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 25
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 26
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 27
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 28
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 29
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 30
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 31
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 32
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 33
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 34
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 35
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 36
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 37
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 38
[wwy] end DSI_RegUpdate
kpd read addr: 0x0502: data:0x4004
is_low_battery, FALSE
[LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_on
[LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 255
[LEDS][256] LK: backlight_set_pwm:duty is 255/255
[LEDS][256] LK: backlight_set_pwm:clk_src/div is 03
[LEDS][256] LK: backlight_set_pwm: old mode: thres/data_width is 255/255
detecting pmic just reset
[1240] [mboot_recovery_load_misc]: size is 6144
[1240] [mboot_recovery_load_misc]: misc_addr is 0x81e5d6d0
[mt_part_get_partition] MISC
[mt_part_get_partition] 25d00
[1260] [LK_BOOT] Load 'MISC' partition to 0x81E5D6D0 (6144 bytes in 2 ms)
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
WDT get boot reason is 6 from pre-loader
[mt_part_get_partition] PRELOADER
[mt_part_get_partition] 0
[partition_get_index]find seccfg SECURE index 7
[mt_part_get_partition] SECURE
[mt_part_get_partition] e800
[partition_get_index]find sec_ro SECSTATIC index 11
[mt_part_get_partition] SECSTATIC
[mt_part_get_partition] 22d00
[SBC] Don't check
the bat_vol is 3687,the bat_tempture is 536,the bat_temp is 25
[mt65xx_bat_init] check VBAT=3719 mV with 3450 mV
mt65xx_bat_init] samwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x37
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x37
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x11
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x21
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x73
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xb2
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xd6
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xd6
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x4b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x47
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x60
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x42
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x42
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x0
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x21
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xd6
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x7b
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x48
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x0
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x80
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x20
is_low_battery, FALSE
show_logo, in_addr=0xfc9000a4, fb_addr=0xfcd00000, logolen=16673, ticks=3126
[wwy] hardware address = fcd00000, fb_offset_logo = 0
[wwy] enter DSI_RegUpdate
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 0
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 1
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 2
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 3
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 4
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 5
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 6
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 7
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 8
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 9
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 10
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 11
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 12
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 13
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 14
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 15
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 16
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 17
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 18
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 19
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 20
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 21
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 22
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 23
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 24
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 25
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 26
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 27
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 28
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 29
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 30
[wwy] end DSI_RegUpdate
[mt_part_get_partition] PRO_INFO
[mt_part_get_partition] 800
[2760] [LK_BOOT] Load 'PRO_INFO' partition to 0x81E5921C (19 bytes in 11 ms)
[mt_part_get_partition] PRELOADER
[mt_part_get_partition] 0
[partition_get_index]find seccfg SECURE index 7
[mt_part_get_partition] SECURE
[mt_part_get_partition] e800
[partition_get_index]find sec_ro SECSTATIC index 11
[mt_part_get_partition] SECSTATIC
[mt_part_get_partition] 22d00
[SBC] Don't check
[SBC] Don't check
[mt_part_get_partition] BOOTIMG
[mt_part_get_partition] ed00
[mt_part_get_partition] BOOTIMG
[mt_part_get_partition] ed00
[2800] part page addr is 0x1da0000
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Partition Name                 : BOOTIMG
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Magic           : ANDROID
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Kernel Size     : 0x4c2870
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Rootfs Size     : 0xcb62d
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Page Size       : 0x800
[2820] ============================================================
[2820]  > page count of kernel image = 2438
[2820]  > kernel mem offset = 0x80008000
[2840]  > rootfs mem offset = 0x804cb000
[2840]  > boot image size = 0x58f800
[mt_part_get_partition] BOOTIMG
[mt_part_get_partition] ed00
read the data of BOOTIMG (size = 0x58f800)
[2840]  > from - 0x0000000001da0800 (skip boot img hdr)
[2840]  > to   - 0x80007e00 (starts with kernel img hdr)
[3340] [LK_BOOT] KERNEL magic number : 0x58881688
[3340] [LK_BOOT] KERNEL name         : KERNEL
[3340] [LK_BOOT] KERNEL size         : 0x4c2670
[3360] =========================================
[3360] [LK_BOOT] ROOTFS magic number : 0x58881688
[3360] [LK_BOOT] ROOTFS name         : ROOTFS
[3360] [LK_BOOT] ROOTFS size         : 0xcb42d
[3360] =========================================
[PROFILE] ------- load boot.img takes 285 ms --------
Screen Update Costs 17991 us
[wwy] mt_disp_adjusting_hardware_addr fb_offset_logo = 3
[LK_ENV]get_env DFO
[3420] SSSS size:31
[PROFILE] ------- boot_time takes 1825 ms --------
[LK_ENV]get_env hibboot
[LK_ENV]get_env resume
resume = NULL
booting linux @ 0x80008000, ramdisk @ 0x84000000 (832557)
[LEDS]LK: leds_deinit: LEDS off
[LEDS]LK: red level is 0
[LEDS]LK: PMIC Type: 7, Level: 0
[LEDS]LK: green level is 0
[LEDS]LK: PMIC Type: 6, Level: 0
[LEDS]LK: blue level is 0
[LEDS]LK: PMIC Type: 8, Level: 0
DRAM Rank :2
DRAM Rank[0] Size = 0x40000000
DRAM Rank[1] Size = 0x40000000
cmdline: console=tty0 console=ttyMT0,921600n1 root=/dev/ram lcm=0-nt71397_fhd_ds                         i_vdo_truly fps=5558 bootprof.pl_t=1685 bootprof.lk_t=1825 printk.disable_uart=1                          boot_reason=6 androidboot.serialno=VCXXXXX
lk boot time = 1825 ms
lk boot mode = 0
lk finished --> jump to linux kernel

Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
Imágenes Adjuntas
Tipo de Archivo: jpg photo5969930462300322531.jpg (53.7 KB, 290 visitas)

Última edición por renegados Día 16/04/22 a las 14:11:54.
Responder Con Cita
Gracias de parte de:
Viejo 16/04/22, 16:09:54

R0rt1z2 R0rt1z2 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2018
Localización: Barcelona
Mensajes: 1,825
Modelo de smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Tu operador: O2
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por renegados Ver Mensaje
Siguiendo con el trasteo, he visto que en la placa interior tiene un juego de pines Tx0 Rx0 y Tx1 Rx1, y senti curiosidad....asi que le enchufe el serial a 921600 baud
y esto es lo qeu tenemos...tenia la esperanza de interrumpir el boot y poder alterarlo (como se puede hacer en ciertos cacharros tales como routers, nas etc)

Pero no ha sido posible, si que aporta algo de informacion sobre las ubicaciones de memoria

Por si fuera de ayuda, os cuelgo el log de un boot
En TX0-RX0 hay resultados, en TX1-RX1, no hay nada

(Click para mostrar/ocultar)

▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒                         ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
  [USBD] USB PRB0 LineState: 0

[USBD] USB cable/ No Cable inserted!

[PLFM] Keep stay in USB Mode
wait for frequency meter finish, CLK26CALI = 0x81
mt_pll_post_init: mt_get_cpu_freq = 845000Khz
wait for frequency meter finish, CLK26CALI = 0x90
mt_pll_post_init: mt_get_bus_freq = 273000Khz
wait for frequency meter finish, CLK26CALI = 0x81
mt_pll_post_init: mt_get_mem_freq = 266347Khz
[PWRAP] pwrap_init_preloader
[PWRAP] pwrap_init
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=0,rdata=2D52
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=1,rdata=800
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=2 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=3 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=4 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=5 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=6 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=7 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] pass,index=8 rdata=5AA5
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=9,rdata=1001
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=10,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=11,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=12,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=13,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=14,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=15,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=16,rdata=B54B
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=17,rdata=2003
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=18,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=19,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=20,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=21,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=22,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_sistrobe [Read Test] fail,index=23,rdata=6A97
[PWRAP] _pwrap_init_reg_clock
[PMIC_WRAP]wrap_init pass,the return value=0.
[pmic_init] Preloader Start..................
[pmic_init] PMIC CHIP Code = 0x2023
pl pmic powerkey Press
[pmic_init] PowerKey = 1
[pmic_init] is USB in = 0xB004
[pmic_init] Reg[0x11A]=0x1B
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x93
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[mt6333_init] Reg[0]=0x93
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x30
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[mt6333_init] Reg[FD]=0x30
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x10
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[mt6333_init] Reg[2C]=0x10
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x0
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x8
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x0
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x0
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[pmic_init] Done...................
chr force en
[PLFM] Init I2C: OK(0)
[PLFM] Init PWRAP: OK(0)
[PLFM] Init PMIC: OK(0)
[PLFM] chip[CA00]

[BLDR] Build Time: 20141113-125840
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒==== Dump RGU Reg ========
RGU MODE:     4D
RGU STA:      0
==== Dump RGU Reg End ====
RGU: g_rgu_satus:0
wdt disable rgu eco.....
 mtk_wdt_mode_config  mode value=0, tmp:22000000
WDT does not trigger reboot
wdt enable rgu eco(22000001)
 mtk_wdt_mode_config  mode value=4C, tmp:2200004C
RGU mtk_wdt_init:MTK_WDT_DEBUG_CTL(590200F3)
kpd read addr: 0x0040: data:0x4005
Enter mtk_kpd_gpio_set!
after set KP enable: KP_SEL = 0x0 !
MTK_PMIC_RST_KEY is used for this project!
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=3967
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
[RTC] bbpu = 0x6, con = 0x8FFA
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=3967
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=5
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
[RTC] get_frequency_meter: input=0x0, ouput=0
rtc_2sec_reboot_check cali=1792
[RTC] irqsta = 0x0, pdn1 = 0x0, pdn2 = 0x201, spar0 = 0xC0, spar1 = 0x800
[RTC] new_spare0 = 0x0, new_spare1 = 0x1, new_spare2 = 0x1, new_spare3 = 0x1
[RTC] bbpu = 0x6, con = 0x426, cali = 0x700
pl pmic powerkey Release
[PLFM] mtk_detect_pmic_just_rst ++
detecting pmic just reset
[PLFM] mtk_detect_pmic_just_rst --
[PLFM] 2sec reboot!
[RTC] rtc_bbpu_power_on done
[SD0] Bus Width: 1
[SD0] SET_CLK(260kHz): SCLK(259kHz) MODE(0) DDR(0) DIV(193) DS(0) RS(0)
[SD0] Switch to High-Speed mode!
[SD0] SET_CLK(260kHz): SCLK(259kHz) MODE(2) DDR(1) DIV(96) DS(0) RS(0)
[SD0] Bus Width: 8
[SD0] Size: 15032 MB, Max.Speed: 52000 kHz, blklen(512), nblks(30785536), ro(0)
[SD0] Initialized
[SD0] SET_CLK(52000kHz): SCLK(50000kHz) MODE(2) DDR(1) DIV(0) DS(0) RS(0)
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x30
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x30
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x50
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] addr 6B read byte = 0x50
mt6333_read_byte: i2c_read: ret_code: 0
[I2C-PL] i2c_write
mt6333_write_byte: i2c_write: ret_code: 0
rank 0 coarse = 19
rank 0 fine = 72
10:|    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0
opt_dle value:8
rank 1 coarse = 19
rank 1 fine = 80
10:|    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0
opt_dle value:8
byte:0, (DQS,DQ)=(A,8)
byte:1, (DQS,DQ)=(9,8)
byte:2, (DQS,DQ)=(B,8)
byte:3, (DQS,DQ)=(9,8)
[MEM] complex R/W mem test pass
[Dram_Buffer] dram size:-2147483648
[Dram_Buffer] structure size: 1777016
[Dram_Buffer] structure size2: 512
[PLFM] Init Boot Device: OK(0)
============func=load_pt===scan pmt from 00000003AB700000=====
find pt at 00000003AB700000
find pt
part PRELOADER size 0000000000000000 0000000000040000
part MBR size 0000000000000000 0000000000080000
part EBR1 size 0000000000080000 0000000000080000
part PRO_INFO size 0000000000100000 0000000000300000
part NVRAM size 0000000000400000 0000000000500000
part PROTECT_F size 0000000000900000 0000000000A00000
part PROTECT_S size 0000000001300000 0000000000A00000
part SECCFG size 0000000001D00000 0000000000040000
part UBOOT size 0000000001D40000 0000000000060000
part BOOTIMG size 0000000001DA0000 0000000001400000
part RECOVERY size 00000000031A0000 0000000001400000
part SEC_RO size 00000000045A0000 0000000000600000
part MISC size 0000000004BA0000 0000000000080000
part LOGO size 0000000004C20000 0000000000800000
part EXPDB size 0000000005420000 0000000000BE0000
part ANDROID size 0000000006000000 000000004C800000
part CACHE size 0000000052800000 0000000040000000
part USRDATA size 0000000092800000 0000000317B00000
part BMTPOOL size 00000000FFFF00A8 0000000001500000

[PART] blksz: 512B
[PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x000000000003FFFF] "PRELOADER" (512 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x000000000007FFFF] "MBR" (1024 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000080000-0x00000000000FFFFF] "EBR1" (1024 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000100000-0x00000000003FFFFF] "PRO_INFO" (6144 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000400000-0x00000000008FFFFF] "NVRAM" (10240 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000000900000-0x00000000012FFFFF] "PROTECT_F" (20480 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001300000-0x0000000001CFFFFF] "PROTECT_S" (20480 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001D00000-0x0000000001D3FFFF] "SECURE" (512 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001D40000-0x0000000001D9FFFF] "UBOOT" (768 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000001DA0000-0x000000000319FFFF] "BOOTIMG" (40960 blocks)
[PART] [0x00000000031A0000-0x000000000459FFFF] "RECOVERY" (40960 blocks)
[PART] [0x00000000045A0000-0x0000000004B9FFFF] "SECSTATIC" (12288 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000004BA0000-0x0000000004C1FFFF] "MISC" (1024 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000004C20000-0x000000000541FFFF] "LOGO" (16384 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000005420000-0x0000000005FFFFFF] "EXPDB" (24320 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000006000000-0x00000000527FFFFF] "ANDSYSIMG" (2506752 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000052800000-0x00000000927FFFFF] "CACHE" (2097152 blocks)
[PART] [0x0000000092800000-0x00000000DC3FFFFF] "USER" (2416640 blocks)
[ROM_INFO] 'v2','0x1D00000','0x40000','0x45A0000','0x2C00'
[SEC_K] SBC_PUBK Not Found '0x6000'
[SEC] AES Legacy : 0

[SEC] read '0x1D00000'

[LIB] SecLib.a '20131222-133749'
[LIB] CFG read size '0x2000' '0x1860'
[LIB] Name =
[LIB] Config = 0x22, 0x22
[LIB] seccfg magic is incorrect
[platform_vusb_on] PASS
[TOOL] PMIC not dectect usb cable!
[TOOL] <UART> listen  ended, receive size:0!

[TOOL] <UART> wait sync time 150ms->5ms
[TOOL] <UART> receieved data: ()
[SECRO] Don't read
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SBC] Don't check

Device APC domain init setup:

[PART] Image with part header
[PART] name : LK
[PART] size : 237000
[PART] magic: 58881688h

[PART] load "UBOOT" from 0x0000000001D40200 (dev) to 0x81E00000 (mem) [SUCCESS]
[PART] load speed: 10519KB/s, 237000 bytes, 22ms
chr force dis

[PLFM] boot reason: 6
[PLFM] boot mode: 0
[PLFM] <0xFFB97910>: 0x1
[PLFM] boot time: 1685ms
[PLFM] DDR reserve mode: enable = 0, success = 0

[BLDR] jump to 0x81E00000
[BLDR] <0x81E00000>=0
                     [dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=880,txdiv=1,pcw=1135688467                         ,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x800
after efuse adjust, DSI_CLK_REG = 0x821, DSI_DAT0_REG=0x401,DSI_DAT1_REG=0x101,D                         SI_DAT2_REG=0x101,DSI_DAT3_REG=0x101

[DISP] - DSI_PowerOn. 0x       0
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - _DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, Cycle Time = 10(ns), Unit Interval =                          2(ns). , lane# = 4
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, HS_TRAIL = 20, HS_ZERO = 15, HS_PRPR =                          7, LPX = 8, TA_GET = 40, TA_SURE = 12, TA_GO = 32, CLK_TRAIL = 20, CLK_ZERO = 4                         0, CLK_HS_PRPR = 6
DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, 0x140f0708,0x1f280c20,0x14280000,0x00101f06
DISP/[dsi_drv.c] LK config VDO Timing: 1184
DISP/[DISP] kernel - video timing, mode = 3
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VSA : 2 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VBP : 18 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VFP : 15 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VACT: 1200
lcm is not connected
[DISP] - DSI_PowerOff. 0x       3
[mtkfb] LCM TYPE: DSI
[mtkfb] LCM resolution: 1920 x 1200
[LEDS]LK: leds_init: mt65xx_backlight_off
[LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_off
[LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 0
[LEDS]LK: isink_init: turn on PMIC6320 isink
[0] [LK_PMIC_INIT_SETTING_V1] PMIC Chip = 0x2023
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x93
[0] [mt6333_init] Reg[0]=0x93
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x30
[0] [mt6333_init] Reg[fd]=0x30
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x2
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x0]=0x2 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x1]=0x1 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x6
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x2]=0x6 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x3]=0xa [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1b
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x4]=0x1b [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x20
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x5]=0x20 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x2
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x0]=0x2 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x1]=0x1 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x6
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x2]=0x6 [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0xa
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x3]=0xa [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x1f
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x4]=0x1f [I2C-LK] addr 75 read byte = 0x20
[0] [tps6128x_dump_register][0x5]=0x20 [10] platform_init()
[mt_part_register_device]malloc 1024 : 81e592b8
============func=load_pt===scan pmt from 3ab700000=====
find pt at 3ab700000
Find pt
partition PRELOADER size 0000000000000000 0000000000040000
partition MBR size 0000000000000000 0000000000080000
partition EBR1 size 0000000000080000 0000000000080000
partition PRO_INFO size 0000000000100000 0000000000300000
partition NVRAM size 0000000000400000 0000000000500000
partition PROTECT_F size 0000000000900000 0000000000a00000
partition PROTECT_S size 0000000001300000 0000000000a00000
partition SECCFG size 0000000001d00000 0000000000040000
partition UBOOT size 0000000001d40000 0000000000060000
partition BOOTIMG size 0000000001da0000 0000000001400000
partition RECOVERY size 00000000031a0000 0000000001400000
partition SEC_RO size 00000000045a0000 0000000000600000
partition MISC size 0000000004ba0000 0000000000080000
partition LOGO size 0000000004c20000 0000000000800000
partition EXPDB size 0000000005420000 0000000000be0000
partition ANDROID size 0000000006000000 000000004c800000
partition CACHE size 0000000052800000 0000000040000000
partition USRDATA size 0000000092800000 0000000318700000
[mt_part_get_partition] MISC
[mt_part_get_partition] 25d00
[LK_ENV]ENV initialize sucess
DISP/disp common log enabled
DISP/lcd log enabled
[LK_ENV]get_env DFO
LCM Resolution will be changed, original: 1920x1200, now: 0x0
Invalid resolution: 0x0
DISP_Init, 475
DISP/DISP_Init, 483
DISP/DISP_Init, 488
DISP/DISP_Init, 494
DISP/DISP_Init, 498
DSI_PHY_clk_adjusting: efuse register 0x10206180=0x0, bit28_31=0x0, bit24_27=0x0                         , bit20_23=0x0,bit16_19=0x0,bit12_15=0x0
before efuse adjust, DSI_CLK_REG = 0x821, DSI_DAT0_REG=0x401,DSI_DAT1_REG=0x101,                         DSI_DAT2_REG=0x101,DSI_DAT3_REG=0x101
[dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=880,txdiv=1,pcw=1135688467,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x8                         00
after efuse adjust, DSI_CLK_REG = 0x821, DSI_DAT0_REG=0x401,DSI_DAT1_REG=0x101,D                         SI_DAT2_REG=0x101,DSI_DAT3_REG=0x101

[DISP] - DSI_PowerOn. 0x       0
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - _DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, Cycle Time = 10(ns), Unit Interval =                          2(ns). , lane# = 4
DISP/[DISP] - kernel - DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, HS_TRAIL = 20, HS_ZERO = 15, HS_PRPR =                          7, LPX = 8, TA_GET = 40, TA_SURE = 12, TA_GO = 32, CLK_TRAIL = 20, CLK_ZERO = 4                         0, CLK_HS_PRPR = 6
DSI_PHY_TIMCONFIG, 0x140f0708,0x1f280c20,0x14280000,0x00101f06
DISP/[dsi_drv.c] LK config VDO Timing: 1184
DISP/[DISP] kernel - video timing, mode = 3
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VSA : 2 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VBP : 18 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VFP : 15 0(us)
DISP/[DISP] kernel - VACT: 1200
[DDP] disp_bls_init : srcWidth = 1920, srcHeight = 1200
[DDP] disp_bls_init : CG = 0x0, BLS_EN = 0x0, PWM_DUTY = 1023
[DSS]dispsys_bypass_color, width=1920, height=1200
[DSS]dispsys_bypass_color, 0x2000203c, 0x1, 0x780, 0x4b0
RDMA: w=1920, h=1200, pitch=5760, mode=0
DISP/DISP_Init, 503
DISP/DISP_Init, 506
[mt_part_get_partition] LOGO
[mt_part_get_partition] 26100
[mt_part_get_partition] LOGO
[mt_part_get_partition] 26100
[800] [LK_BOOT] LOGO magic number : 0x58881688
[800] [LK_BOOT] LOGO name         : LOGO
[800] [LK_BOOT] LOGO size         : 862395
[800] =========================================
[800] read the data of LOGO
is_low_battery, FALSE
[wwy] hardware address = fda2f000, fb_offset_logo = 3
[wwy] enter DSI_RegUpdate
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 0
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 1
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 2
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 3
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 4
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 5
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 6
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 7
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 8
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 9
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 10
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 11
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 12
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 13
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 14
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 15
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 16
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 17
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 18
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 19
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 20
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 21
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 22
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 23
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 24
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 25
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 26
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 27
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 28
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 29
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 30
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 31
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 32
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 33
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 34
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 35
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 36
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 37
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 38
[wwy] end DSI_RegUpdate
kpd read addr: 0x0502: data:0x4004
is_low_battery, FALSE
[LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_on
[LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 255
[LEDS][256] LK: backlight_set_pwm:duty is 255/255
[LEDS][256] LK: backlight_set_pwm:clk_src/div is 03
[LEDS][256] LK: backlight_set_pwm: old mode: thres/data_width is 255/255
detecting pmic just reset
[1240] [mboot_recovery_load_misc]: size is 6144
[1240] [mboot_recovery_load_misc]: misc_addr is 0x81e5d6d0
[mt_part_get_partition] MISC
[mt_part_get_partition] 25d00
[1260] [LK_BOOT] Load 'MISC' partition to 0x81E5D6D0 (6144 bytes in 2 ms)
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
mtk detect key function key = 1
mtk detect key function key = 0
mtk detect key function pmic_detect_homekey MT65XX_PMIC_RST_KEY = 0
WDT get boot reason is 6 from pre-loader
[mt_part_get_partition] PRELOADER
[mt_part_get_partition] 0
[partition_get_index]find seccfg SECURE index 7
[mt_part_get_partition] SECURE
[mt_part_get_partition] e800
[partition_get_index]find sec_ro SECSTATIC index 11
[mt_part_get_partition] SECSTATIC
[mt_part_get_partition] 22d00
[SBC] Don't check
the bat_vol is 3687,the bat_tempture is 536,the bat_temp is 25
[mt65xx_bat_init] check VBAT=3719 mV with 3450 mV
mt65xx_bat_init] samwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x37
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x37
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x11
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x21
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x73
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xb2
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xd6
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xd6
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x4b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x47
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x60
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x42
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] i2c_write
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x42
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x1b
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x0
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x21
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0xd6
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x9c
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x7b
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x48
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x0
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x80
[I2C-LK] addr 6b read byte = 0x20
is_low_battery, FALSE
show_logo, in_addr=0xfc9000a4, fb_addr=0xfcd00000, logolen=16673, ticks=3126
[wwy] hardware address = fcd00000, fb_offset_logo = 0
[wwy] enter DSI_RegUpdate
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 0
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 1
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 2
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 3
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 4
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 5
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 6
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 7
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 8
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 9
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 10
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 11
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 12
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 13
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 14
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 15
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 16
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 17
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 18
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 19
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 20
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 21
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 22
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 23
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 24
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 25
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 26
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 27
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 28
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 29
[wwy] DSI_RegUpdate dsi_wait_time = 30
[wwy] end DSI_RegUpdate
[mt_part_get_partition] PRO_INFO
[mt_part_get_partition] 800
[2760] [LK_BOOT] Load 'PRO_INFO' partition to 0x81E5921C (19 bytes in 11 ms)
[mt_part_get_partition] PRELOADER
[mt_part_get_partition] 0
[partition_get_index]find seccfg SECURE index 7
[mt_part_get_partition] SECURE
[mt_part_get_partition] e800
[partition_get_index]find sec_ro SECSTATIC index 11
[mt_part_get_partition] SECSTATIC
[mt_part_get_partition] 22d00
[SBC] Don't check
[SBC] Don't check
[mt_part_get_partition] BOOTIMG
[mt_part_get_partition] ed00
[mt_part_get_partition] BOOTIMG
[mt_part_get_partition] ed00
[2800] part page addr is 0x1da0000
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Partition Name                 : BOOTIMG
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Magic           : ANDROID
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Kernel Size     : 0x4c2870
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Rootfs Size     : 0xcb62d
[2820] [LK_BOOT] Android Boot IMG Hdr - Page Size       : 0x800
[2820] ============================================================
[2820]  > page count of kernel image = 2438
[2820]  > kernel mem offset = 0x80008000
[2840]  > rootfs mem offset = 0x804cb000
[2840]  > boot image size = 0x58f800
[mt_part_get_partition] BOOTIMG
[mt_part_get_partition] ed00
read the data of BOOTIMG (size = 0x58f800)
[2840]  > from - 0x0000000001da0800 (skip boot img hdr)
[2840]  > to   - 0x80007e00 (starts with kernel img hdr)
[3340] [LK_BOOT] KERNEL magic number : 0x58881688
[3340] [LK_BOOT] KERNEL name         : KERNEL
[3340] [LK_BOOT] KERNEL size         : 0x4c2670
[3360] =========================================
[3360] [LK_BOOT] ROOTFS magic number : 0x58881688
[3360] [LK_BOOT] ROOTFS name         : ROOTFS
[3360] [LK_BOOT] ROOTFS size         : 0xcb42d
[3360] =========================================
[PROFILE] ------- load boot.img takes 285 ms --------
Screen Update Costs 17991 us
[wwy] mt_disp_adjusting_hardware_addr fb_offset_logo = 3
[LK_ENV]get_env DFO
[3420] SSSS size:31
[PROFILE] ------- boot_time takes 1825 ms --------
[LK_ENV]get_env hibboot
[LK_ENV]get_env resume
resume = NULL
booting linux @ 0x80008000, ramdisk @ 0x84000000 (832557)
[LEDS]LK: leds_deinit: LEDS off
[LEDS]LK: red level is 0
[LEDS]LK: PMIC Type: 7, Level: 0
[LEDS]LK: green level is 0
[LEDS]LK: PMIC Type: 6, Level: 0
[LEDS]LK: blue level is 0
[LEDS]LK: PMIC Type: 8, Level: 0
DRAM Rank :2
DRAM Rank[0] Size = 0x40000000
DRAM Rank[1] Size = 0x40000000
cmdline: console=tty0 console=ttyMT0,921600n1 root=/dev/ram lcm=0-nt71397_fhd_ds                         i_vdo_truly fps=5558 bootprof.pl_t=1685 bootprof.lk_t=1825 printk.disable_uart=1                          boot_reason=6 androidboot.serialno=VCXXXXX
lk boot time = 1825 ms
lk boot mode = 0
lk finished --> jump to linux kernel

Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.

Me alegra saber que no ha sido el único que ha leído los logs de arranque por UART a esta tablet

Sí, la interrupción del arranque solo es posible cuando el dispositivo usa u-boot, ya que este expone una consola de comandos. Sin embargo, en nuestro caso el dispositivo usa "Little Kernel" (LK) y no existe tal consola (en el log la partición se ve como UBOOT, sin embargo, sigue siendo LK).

Por lo que veo, cuando se carga el kernel, los logs se cortan. Para ver los logs del kernel puedes usar
fastboot oem p2u on; fastboot continue
Si quieres trastear un poco más, antes de inicializarse el Preloader, el SoC ejecuta bootrom, y este también loguea cosas por serial. El baudrate de bootrom es 115200.

PS: Si sigues sin encontrar la ROM, te la puedo pasar por Telegram.

Última edición por R0rtiz2 Día 16/04/22 a las 16:20:16.
Responder Con Cita
Viejo 16/04/22, 18:26:05

renegados renegados no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: abr 2022
Mensajes: 9
Tu operador: -

 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por R0rtiz2 Ver Mensaje
Me alegra saber que no ha sido el único que ha leído los logs de arranque por UART a esta tablet

Sí, la interrupción del arranque solo es posible cuando el dispositivo usa u-boot, ya que este expone una consola de comandos. Sin embargo, en nuestro caso el dispositivo usa "Little Kernel" (LK) y no existe tal consola (en el log la partición se ve como UBOOT, sin embargo, sigue siendo LK).

Por lo que veo, cuando se carga el kernel, los logs se cortan. Para ver los logs del kernel puedes usar
fastboot oem p2u on; fastboot continue
Si quieres trastear un poco más, antes de inicializarse el Preloader, el SoC ejecuta bootrom, y este también loguea cosas por serial. El baudrate de bootrom es 115200.

PS: Si sigues sin encontrar la ROM, te la puedo pasar por Telegram.

He conseguido una stock rom (tengo pendiente probarla), si es la correcta ya empezare con alguna que otra salvajada
Habéis intentado la barbaridad de meter una ROM MT6592 de otro cacharro con un Android mas actual?
aquí tenemos un MT6592 con Android 7, tengo ganas de hacerle alguna barbaridad a este cacharro jejejej
Ya os contare a medida que haga desastres, esta claro que con android 4 no vale para nada
Responder Con Cita
Viejo 16/04/22, 20:17:51

R0rt1z2 R0rt1z2 no está en línea
Usuario muy activo
Fecha de registro: feb 2018
Localización: Barcelona
Mensajes: 1,825
Modelo de smartphone: iPhone 13 Pro Max
Tu operador: O2
 Cita: Originalmente Escrito por renegados Ver Mensaje
He conseguido una stock rom (tengo pendiente probarla), si es la correcta ya empezare con alguna que otra salvajada
Habéis intentado la barbaridad de meter una ROM MT6592 de otro cacharro con un Android mas actual?
aquí tenemos un MT6592 con Android 7, tengo ganas de hacerle alguna barbaridad a este cacharro jejejej
Ya os contare a medida que haga desastres, esta claro que con android 4 no vale para nada

No es muy buena idea, ya que cada dispositivo requiere unos drivers específicos. Si lo intentas, prueba a sacarle otro log con UART.
Responder Con Cita

Viejo 16/04/22, 21:07:18

renegados renegados no está en línea
Usuario poco activo
Fecha de registro: abr 2022
Mensajes: 9
Tu operador: -

Pues de momento esta tablet me esta dando guerra en lo mas simple, no soy capaz de flashearla con la stock rom, error S_FT_DA_NO_RESPONSE (4001)
Tanto win como linux, probado en varios cables y diferentes versiones

¿Sabéis si tiene algún juego de teclas para entrar en Download mode?


Responder Con Cita

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