Ver la Versión Completa : BattleBallz v1.6

26/05/11, 01:47:52
Requirements: Unlocked WP7
Overview: attleBallz Chaos BattleBallz is a fast (and when we say fast we mean FAST) paced adrenalin pumping single and 2 player arcade game of chaos. BattleBallz is packed full of features including


- Single and 2 player modes allowing you to play head to head against insane AI or an insane friend, take your pick.
- Pick your battle arrangement using AI opponents to help you
- 4 modes of difficulty (easy, normal, hard and insane)
- Progressive difficulty from round to round with new game play features added at various stages such as zappers, black holes and gravity wells
- Around 80 different achievements that can be earned and posted to Facebook
- Pick-ups to help / hinder players such as barriers, shrink enemy, grow player, immunity and more
- Bat push play to slam the ball past your enemies
- 10, 20 and 30 round battles to suite your free time
- Stats tracking to help you measure and improve your performance
- Death match bonus rounds

Download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WUBTUYIQ