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Viejo 05/02/13, 23:45:56

MARIANOTE MARIANOTE no está en línea
Miembro del foro
Fecha de registro: abr 2008
Localización: GALICIA
Mensajes: 450
Modelo de smartphone: Samsung Galaxy S3 MW
Tu operador: Personal
bueno he encontrado eso en techknow

Apart from using the PhoenixCard method, there's the "hard method" which involve opening the case and use tweezers to do the trick.

-Open your board case and remove the board from it.
-With the board unpowered (i would recommend to plug the otg mini usb part, but not usb on the PC), grab yout tweezers.
-Put the board into position so you can read the bottom chip manufactured ("Hynix")
-Use your tweezers to press the data pins on that chip from 45-48. As they are not numbered, i will just say that they are the top right ones :P. that would shortcircuit the nand pins.
-While pressing them, so threre's metal to metal dance, plug the usb on the pc and wait for the normal 5-7 seconds.
-Then windows detects an "Unknown Device" and you can proceed with the normal livesuit flashing of uberoid IMG.

I needed too attempts to make it work, since it's a bit complex to keep the pressure on the tweezers with my left hand while I use the right one to plug the usb cable.

Also... don't forget to grab the right livesuit for your architecture, since 32 bits have no driver for win7 64 and so (yep, i made that mistake).
el tema es que no deja claro cuales son los pines 45 48.... mi mk802+ tiene 4 (dos arriba y dos abajo) nynix de esos, que supongo es la nand flash... asi que no se a que lado se refiere el muchacho este jejeje si alguien me ayuda tal vez asi pueda resetear el mk
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