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Viejo 02/09/07, 17:55:02

darkelphos darkelphos no está en línea
Miembro del foro
· Votos compra/venta: (6)
Fecha de registro: sep 2007
Localización: Alicante
Mensajes: 279
Modelo de smartphone: Nexus 4
Tu operador: Simyo
Hola! Soy nuevo por aqui ;) Me ha gustado bastante la pagina. Y el tutorial es para un 10 ;) Pero me quedan unas dudas.

Veras ejecuto el start_USPL.exe. Me carga hasta el 100% la pantalla se queda en negro ;) y me sale la ventana de "RomUpdateUtility" entonces le doy a next aceptando el primero cuadrado.

Luego en la segunda pantalla pone:
- Conecta el cable a la pda.
- Asegurate que el ActiveSync este en verde.
- Que tenga bateria, etc.

Le doy a next (la pda sigue con la pantalla en negra) y el activeSync esta en gris??? Me pone que se va a actualizar a la 9.99 pero en current version no pone nada.

Le doy a siguiente y carga la barra que pone que tarda unos 10 minutos en apenas unos segundos.

Acaba el proceso y se reinicia.

He desbloqueado la cid? Luego que hago doble click en el "img-46785-Tom_B_B_v4_0_TouchFlo_Professional.exe" y le doy a que si? Cuanto tiempo se desbloque el cid? Es que al poner que es temporal....

He seguido tambien esta guia:

1. download the file
2. unpack into the folder c:\USPL
3. download the file
4. unpack into the folder c:\ROM
5. soft reset your phone and have it charged over 50% (I have it fully charged)
6. wait until the system starts on your Artemis
7. turn on flight mode (probably not necessary, but I wanted to minimize any risks)
8. connect your Artemis to PC with a USB cable
9. wait until ActiveSync icon in your tray (lower right corner of your windows desktop) turns from gray to green. If you connect your Artemis for the first time to PC, you do not need to set up synchronization, just click "cancel" on the first screen of "Synchronization Setup Wizard"
10. while ActiveSync icon is green, run c:\USPL\start_uspl.exe
11. a DOS screen will pop up with the text "Initializing: 0.." in the bottom indicating probably seconds from the start (it stopped around 70 in my case after about 1.5 min)
12. DOS screen disappears and PDA Phone ROM update utility pops up
13. at the same time, your Artemis turns blank (orange/green LED turns off as well)
14. tick the check box next to " I understand..." and then click Next
15. tick the check box next to " I completed..." and then click Next
16. a box saying "Verifying information on your PDA..." pops up
17. on the next screen click Update button
18. next screen says "Upgrade to ... image version 9.99" - click Next
19. Next screen says "You are now ready to update..." - click Next, a window with a blue progress bar appears with a text "Updating ROM image..", it quickly runs to 100%
20. next screen says "Congratulations! ..." - click Finish
21. your phone turns on and boots into your old system, however it should be CID unlocked now
22. your Active Sync should reestablish and icon turns green again
23. do not touch anything (phone or USB cable) and run C:\ROM\ROMUpdateUtility.exe (make sure activesync icon is green)
24. PDA Phone ROM Update utility window appears, tick the check box next to " I understand..." and then click Next
25. tick the check box next to " I completed..." and then click Next
26. a box saying "Verifying information on your PDA..." pops up
27. on next screen click Update button (says "Current information...")
28. next screen says "Upgrade to ... image version BnB2.0" - click Next
29. Next screen says "You are now ready to update..." - click Next
30. a window with a blue progress bar appears with a text "Updating ROM image..", your Artemis will have light gray screen with blue progress bar showing the progress of flashing - do not touch anything and wait (it took 2-3 minutes on my 3 years old PC)
31. next screen says "Congratulations! ..." - click Finish
32. your Artemis turns on and starts booting, you can disconnect it from PC now
33. the boot screen remains the same (T-Mobile in my case), so do not panic!! it is normal
34. wait until calibrate the screen appears, calibrate, choose time zone and you are ready to use your new OS
35. let me know if this manual was clear enough, whether it helped you and please suggest potential changes for improvement

Me he saltado el paso 3 y 4.

Hasta el paso 21 es lo que os he comentado. Pero no se si esta desbloqueado porque el Image Current version: sale vacio. Y no dura casi nada.

Luego he seguido los pasos y en el 28 me ponia que iba a actulizar a la 9.9, entonces si que se me ha puesto la pantalla en gris, y me ha salido una barra (azul) que se ha cargado el 100% enseguida. Y se ha vuelto a reiniciar. Tengo el cid desbloqueado? Hasta cuando dura el desbloqueo del Cid????

Podeis explicar un poco los pasos desde que se carga al 100% el USPL y lo que pasa en las ventanas intermedias? Que os sale, si os sale el image current version en vacio.
Si tengo que esperar mucho hasta que la pda pase de pantalla negra que se pone cuando acaba el USPL y se conecta en verde el activeSync solo o algo asi.

Alguna forma para comprobar que tenga el Cid desbloqueado???

Gracias y perdon por el toston ;)
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