Ver la Versión Completa : Entrar recovery con botones

12/09/13, 22:20:59
He visto que han colocado un nuevo bootloader que permitirķa entrar en Recovery via botones al arrancar. Cuidado que parece peligroso y yo no lo he probado, en el foro dicen que lo han probado y funciona.

Today on 4pda.ru found an interesting way to enter the recovery by using the "home" or "volume" + "power" to download this file (https://copy.com/msGrL), extract it to the sdcard (http://www.htcmania.com/g.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%2Fref%3D nb_sb_noss%3Furl%3Dsearch-alias%253Delectronics%26field-keywords%3Dsdcard) and then through the input terminal.
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/bootloader.fex of=/dev/block/nanda
rebootAfter the restart switch off the tablet. Push the "volume" or "home" + "power" and hold for 5 seconds and release.

Descarga: https://copy.com/msGrL

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