Ver la Versión Completa : V919 air 32gb win10 android 444

09/05/16, 11:09:19
Tengo dos tablets y las dos se calientan y apagan, saliendo este mensaje

throttling brightness due to thermal event.

Hay forma de solventarlo?

09/05/16, 12:09:19
a mí también me sale ese aviso, cuando llevo un rato jugando, pero en mi caso no se apaga el tablet.
No sé de qué manera evitarlo, desaparece cuando baja la temperatura, claro.

16/05/16, 10:20:57
Lo solucione cambiando parametros

You can use cpu temp apk to get a temperature overlay on your screen.
Heating up can go quick, especially charging. In theory there could be
other cues other than temp as well, but I have no indications on that.

Anyway, in the folder /system/etc there are 2 files,
In thermal_throttle_config.xml you see

<!--Cooling Devices-->
<CDeviceClassPath>com.android.server.thermal.Brigh tnessControl</CDeviceClassPath>

So the screen dims from 100 to 40 per cent if temp gets higher than the
warning threshold. I changed the first 40 to a higher number, 70, for a
brighter screen. And dim it manually if I do not need high brightnees.

The thresholds are specified in file
thermal_sensor_config.xml with

Throttling start at 55 degrees, next level 65 etc.
Anyway, I increased 55 to 60.
Fiddling with these numbers is of course with some risk of overheating,
but I assume this is minimal for the lowest level.